VelocityAPI allows two way communication between your CRM of choice and Velocity, through a RESTful Web Service.
The VelocityAPI endpoint provides developers with API access to tap into Velocity elements like Contacts, Deals, Webhook Notifications and more. The VelocityAPI endpoint serves a wide variety of use cases; from providing fundamental Deal Data, to allowing real-time creation of Deal applications and Contacts inside Velocity, as well as real-time Deal Status updates as Agents progress with Deals inside of Velocity.
The VelocityAPI endpoint can be used to insert and retrieve data in and out of Velocity.
Note that all operations require an active VelocityAPI key, instructions available here.
Contact In - Creates a Contact inside Velocity.
Deal In - Enables a brokerage or broker CRM or Software platform to submit either a Deal Application or Contact Lead into Velocity.
Deals Out - Allows your selected CRM solution to retrieve content from Velocity with one API request. This API call can retrieve up to 100 Deals per request in a chunked fashion, with sequential page requests provided for paging through large sets of matching Deals. Search queries are created with operators that match on Deal Date Ranges and Deal Statuses.
Velocity will provide system-to-system notifications, in near real-time via Webhooks, once configured to a Webhook endpoint URL of the users’ choice.
Base URL
The base URL for all calls is:
We can provide a Sandbox to 3rd party connectors by request. Please send us a VelocityAPI Sandbox request and we would be happy to one up for you.
When working with the VelocityAPI, clients (users or applications) will need to be authenticated and authorized to use API operations.
An API key is required for all POST requests, example:
An API key can be requested from within your Velocity settings page. API keys are intended to be private and should not be exposed through client facing code. We have user training available here to assist with End User API keys.
Get Started
Before You Start
You will need:
- An active Velocity Account
- Register a VelocityAPI key, inside Velocity (Instructions).
- (Webhooks only) An available Webhook endpoint URL, to configure inside Velocity
API Requests/In
Using your API Key, you may Create Contact or Create Deal inside Velocity by sending a POST request to the endpoint, with the appropriate schema as per below. For each Create request, there is a minimal amount of required data.
API Requests/Out
Using your same API Key, you may also Get Deals by sending a GET request to the endpoint. Using parameters it's possible to retrieve a single deal (by loancode), multiple deals (by Deal Status and Date Range). Note that with large datasets, the response may return multiple pages in a chunked fashion.
Webhook Notifications
Once configured, your Webhook endpoint URL will be notified in real-time of all Deals that are Created and/or have Deal Status Updates. Note that Webhooks are intentionally light-weight, the intention is that once notified, your system will then call our Deals Out operation to retrieve up-to-date and fulsome information on the deal(s).
Example Use Cases
Get Notified on all Deal Updates
Create a Deal and tag for Lead Generation/tracking
- Call the Deal In operation, with the customSource field populated
Retrieve a single Deal
- Call the Deals Out operation, with a single loancode in the parameters
Retrieve all Submitted Deals today
- Call the Deals Out operation, with Deal Status = 2 (Submitted) and Start Date = [Today] and End Date = [Today]
POST /v1/contacts/contact
Creates a Contact inside Velocity.
Sample Request
"salutation": 1,
"firstName": "string",
"middleName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"suffix": 1,
"email": "",
"caslOptIn": true,
"homePhone": "string",
"cellPhone": "string",
"businessPhone": "string",
"dateOfBirth": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"socialInsuranceNumber": "string",
"maritalStatus": 1,
"contactPreference": 1,
"residentType": 1,
"correspondenceLanguage": 1,
"firstTimeBuyer": true,
"numOfDependents": 0
Name |
In |
Type |
Description |
apikey |
query |
string(uuid) |
API key |
body |
body |
NewContact |
Contact |
GET /v1/contacts/contact/sample
Use this to receive a sample Contact. The sample is compatible with the endpoint for creating a new contact.
Sample Response
"salutation": 1,
"firstName": "string",
"middleName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"suffix": 1,
"email": "",
"caslOptIn": true,
"homePhone": "string",
"cellPhone": "string",
"businessPhone": "string",
"dateOfBirth": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"socialInsuranceNumber": "string",
"maritalStatus": 1,
"contactPreference": 1,
"residentType": 1,
"correspondenceLanguage": 1,
"firstTimeBuyer": true,
"numOfDependents": 0
Deal In
Create Deal
POST /v1/deals/deal
Creates a Deal Application inside Velocity. For example payload, please see the Get Sample Deal section of this documentation.
Sample Request
"closingDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"purchasePrice": 1000000000,
"customSource": "string",
"subjectProperty": {
"unitNumber": "string",
"streetNumber": "string",
"streetName": "string",
"streetType": 10,
"streetDirection": 1,
"city": "string",
"province": 1,
"postalCode": "string",
"intendedUse": 1
"mortgageRequest": {
"purpose": 10,
"mortgages": [
"amount": 1000000000
"borrowers": [
"salutation": 1,
"firstName": "string",
"middleName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"suffix": 1,
"email": "",
"caslOptIn": true,
"homePhone": "string",
"cellPhone": "string",
"businessPhone": "string",
"dateOfBirth": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"socialInsuranceNumber": "string",
"maritalStatus": 1,
"contactPreference": 1,
"residentType": 1,
"correspondenceLanguage": 1,
"firstTimeBuyer": true,
"numOfDependents": 0,
"relationshipToPrimary": 1,
"addresses": [
"unitNumber": "string",
"streetNumber": "string",
"streetName": "string",
"streetType": 10,
"streetDirection": 1,
"city": "string",
"provinceOrState": 1,
"country": 1,
"postalCode": "string",
"yearsAtAddress": 0,
"monthsAtAddress": 0,
"dwellingStatus": 1,
"rentalPayment": 1000000000
"employmentHistory": [
"isCurrent": true,
"companyName": "string",
"selfEmployment": {
"companyType": "string",
"operatingAs": "string",
"grossRevenue": 0
"jobTitle": "string",
"jobType": 1,
"yearsAt": 0,
"monthsAt": 0,
"employmentType": 1,
"industrySector": 1,
"incomeType": 1,
"incomePeriod": 1,
"income": 1000000000,
"yearsInIndustry": 0,
"monthsInIndustry": 0,
"phoneNumber": "string",
"unitNumber": "string",
"streetNumber": "string",
"streetName": "string",
"streetType": 10,
"streetDirection": 1,
"city": "string",
"provinceOrState": 1,
"country": 1,
"postalCode": "string"
"otherIncomes": [
"type": 1,
"incomePeriod": 1,
"amount": 1000000000,
"description": "string"
"assets": [
"type": 1,
"value": 1000000000,
"description": "string",
"downPaymentAmount": 1000000000
"properties": [
"occupancy": 1,
"value": 1000000000,
"originalPurchaseDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"originalPrice": 1000000000,
"annualTaxes": 1000000000,
"condoFees": 1000000000,
"includesHeat": true,
"heatingFee": 1000000000,
"propertyEquity": 1000000000,
"futureStatus": 1,
"rentalDetails": {
"income": 0,
"hydroExpense": 0,
"managementExpense": 0,
"insuranceExpense": 0,
"repairsExpense": 0,
"interestExpense": 0,
"otherExpense": 0
"unitNumber": "string",
"streetNumber": "string",
"streetName": "string",
"streetType": 10,
"streetDirection": 1,
"city": "string",
"provinceOrState": 1,
"country": 1,
"postalCode": "string",
"mortgages": [
"balance": 1000000000,
"maturityDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"paymentFrequency": 1,
"payment": 1000000000,
"payoffType": 1,
"lender": "string",
"rateType": 1,
"interestRate": 100,
"blendedAmortization": true,
"termType": 1,
"mortgageNumber": "string",
"insured": true,
"insuranceAccount": "string",
"insurer": 10,
"originalPurchaseAmount": 1000000000
"notes": [
"text": "string"
"referral": {
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"companyName": "string",
"email": "",
"type": 1,
"otherTypeDescription": "string"
Name |
In |
Type |
Description |
apikey |
query |
string(uuid) |
API key |
body |
body |
NewDeal |
Deal |
Sample Response
"loanCode": "string"
Get Sample Deal
GET /v1/deals/deal/sample
Use this to receive a sample Deal. The sample is compatible with the endpoint for creating a new deal.
Sample Response
"closingDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"purchasePrice": 1000000000,
"customSource": "string",
"subjectProperty": {
"unitNumber": "string",
"streetNumber": "string",
"streetName": "string",
"streetType": 10,
"streetDirection": 1,
"city": "string",
"province": 1,
"postalCode": "string",
"intendedUse": 1
"mortgageRequest": {
"purpose": 10,
"mortgages": [
"amount": 1000000000
"borrowers": [
"salutation": 1,
"firstName": "string",
"middleName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"suffix": 1,
"email": "",
"caslOptIn": true,
"homePhone": "string",
"cellPhone": "string",
"businessPhone": "string",
"dateOfBirth": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"socialInsuranceNumber": "string",
"maritalStatus": 1,
"contactPreference": 1,
"residentType": 1,
"correspondenceLanguage": 1,
"firstTimeBuyer": true,
"numOfDependents": 0,
"relationshipToPrimary": 1,
"addresses": [
"unitNumber": "string",
"streetNumber": "string",
"streetName": "string",
"streetType": 10,
"streetDirection": 1,
"city": "string",
"provinceOrState": 1,
"country": 1,
"postalCode": "string",
"yearsAtAddress": 0,
"monthsAtAddress": 0,
"dwellingStatus": 1,
"rentalPayment": 1000000000
"employmentHistory": [
"isCurrent": true,
"companyName": "string",
"selfEmployment": {
"companyType": "string",
"operatingAs": "string",
"grossRevenue": 0
"jobTitle": "string",
"jobType": 1,
"yearsAt": 0,
"monthsAt": 0,
"employmentType": 1,
"industrySector": 1,
"incomeType": 1,
"incomePeriod": 1,
"income": 1000000000,
"yearsInIndustry": 0,
"monthsInIndustry": 0,
"phoneNumber": "string",
"unitNumber": "string",
"streetNumber": "string",
"streetName": "string",
"streetType": 10,
"streetDirection": 1,
"city": "string",
"provinceOrState": 1,
"country": 1,
"postalCode": "string"
"otherIncomes": [
"type": 1,
"incomePeriod": 1,
"amount": 1000000000,
"description": "string"
"assets": [
"type": 1,
"value": 1000000000,
"description": "string",
"downPaymentAmount": 1000000000
"properties": [
"occupancy": 1,
"value": 1000000000,
"originalPurchaseDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"originalPrice": 1000000000,
"annualTaxes": 1000000000,
"condoFees": 1000000000,
"includesHeat": true,
"heatingFee": 1000000000,
"propertyEquity": 1000000000,
"futureStatus": 1,
"rentalDetails": {
"income": 0,
"hydroExpense": 0,
"managementExpense": 0,
"insuranceExpense": 0,
"repairsExpense": 0,
"interestExpense": 0,
"otherExpense": 0
"unitNumber": "string",
"streetNumber": "string",
"streetName": "string",
"streetType": 10,
"streetDirection": 1,
"city": "string",
"provinceOrState": 1,
"country": 1,
"postalCode": "string",
"mortgages": [
"balance": 1000000000,
"maturityDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"paymentFrequency": 1,
"payment": 1000000000,
"payoffType": 1,
"lender": "string",
"rateType": 1,
"interestRate": 100,
"blendedAmortization": true,
"termType": 1,
"mortgageNumber": "string",
"insured": true,
"insuranceAccount": "string",
"insurer": 10,
"originalPurchaseAmount": 1000000000
"notes": [
"text": "string"
"referral": {
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"companyName": "string",
"email": "",
"type": 1,
"otherTypeDescription": "string"
Deals Out
GET /v1/deals
Returns a variety of information about Deals specified by the requested Deal Status, Date Range or Loan Code.
Note: VelocityAPI will utilize Chunked Transfer Encoding in HTTP for larger datasets.
Returns a collection containing zero, one or mutliple deals
Name |
In |
Type |
Description |
apikey |
query |
string(uuid) |
dealstatus |
query |
string |
Deal status |
customsource |
query |
string |
Custom Source |
datetype |
query |
NewDateType |
Type of date (required if Loan Code is not set) |
startdate |
query |
string(date-time) |
Start date (required if Loan Code is not set) |
enddate |
query |
string(date-time) |
End date (required if Loan Code is not set) |
loancode |
query |
string |
Loan code |
page |
query |
integer(int32) |
Page number |
Sample Response
"pageNumber": 0,
"totalPages": 0,
"totalDeals": 0,
"deals": [
"loanCode": "string",
"agent": "string",
"status": 0,
"dateCreated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"closingDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"linkApplicationId": "string",
"lenderReferenceNumber": "string",
"isConfirmedCompliant": true,
"customSource": "string",
"borrowers": [
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"dateOfBirth": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"homePhone": "string",
"cellPhone": "string",
"businessPhone": "string",
"email": "string",
"addresses": [
"unitNumber": "string",
"streetNumber": "string",
"streetName": "string",
"streetType": 0,
"streetDirection": 0,
"city": "string",
"provinceOrState": 0,
"postalCode": "string",
"country": 0
"mailingAddress": {
"unitNumber": "string",
"streetNumber": "string",
"streetName": "string",
"streetType": 0,
"streetDirection": 0,
"city": "string",
"provinceOrState": 0,
"postalCode": "string",
"country": 0
"employmentHistory": {
"grossRevenue": 0,
"isCurrent": true,
"employerName": "string",
"incomeType": 0,
"incomePeriod": 0,
"employmentAddress": {
"unitNumber": "string",
"streetNumber": "string",
"streetName": "string",
"streetType": 0,
"streetDirection": 0,
"city": "string",
"provinceOrState": 0,
"postalCode": "string",
"country": 0
"liabilities": [
"typeId": 0,
"lender": "string",
"inCreditBureau": true,
"limit": 0,
"balance": 0,
"override": true,
"payment": 0,
"closingDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"description": "string",
"payoffTypeId": 0
"firstTimeHomeBuyer": true,
"creditScore": 0,
"assets": [
"type": "string",
"description": "string",
"downPayment": 0,
"value": 0
"properties": [
"occupancyId": 1,
"value": 0,
"originalDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"originalAmount": 0,
"includeInTds": true,
"condoFees100Percent": true,
"annualTaxes": 0,
"condoFees": 0,
"condoFeesIncludeHeating": true,
"heating": 0,
"propertyEquity": 0,
"futureStatusId": 0,
"address": {
"unitNumber": "string",
"streetNumber": "string",
"streetName": "string",
"streetType": 0,
"streetDirection": 0,
"city": "string",
"provinceOrState": 0,
"postalCode": "string",
"country": 0
"totals": {
"value": 0,
"mortgages": 0,
"payments": 0,
"expenses": 0,
"rentalIncome": 0,
"rentalExpenses": 0
"subjectProperty": {
"unitNumber": "string",
"streetNumber": "string",
"streetName": "string",
"streetType": 0,
"streetDirection": 0,
"city": "string",
"province": 0,
"postalCode": "string",
"intendedUse": 0,
"purchasePrice": 0,
"tenure": "string",
"constructionType": "string",
"propertyType": "string"
"mortgageRequest": {
"purpose": 0,
"lenderName": "string",
"mortgages": [
"amount": 0
"payment": 0,
"maturityDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"interestAdjustmentDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"firstPaymentDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"amortization": 0,
"termInMonths": 0,
"netRate": 0,
"rateType": 0,
"paymentFrequency": 0,
"rate": 0,
"discountRate": 0,
"premiumRate": 0,
"buyDownRate": 0,
"amortizationMonths": 0
"lenderConditions": [
"conditions": [
"name": "string",
"isSent": true,
"isApproved": true
"notes": [
"text": "string",
"dateCreated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
"referral": {
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"companyName": "string",
"email": "string",
"type": "string"
"solicitor": {
"company": "string",
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"email": "string",
"businessPhone": "string",
"faxNumber": "string",
"address": {
"unitNumber": "string",
"streetNumber": "string",
"streetName": "string",
"streetType": 0,
"streetDirection": 0,
"city": "string",
"provinceOrState": 0,
"postalCode": "string",
"country": 0
Search Deals
POST /v1/deals/search
Returns a variety of information about Deals specified by the requested Deal Statuses, Date Range or Loan Codes.
Note: VelocityAPI will utilize Chunked Transfer Encoding in HTTP for larger datasets.
Returns a collection containing zero, one or mutliple deals
Sample Request
"customSources": [
"statuses": [
"dateType": 1,
"startDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"endDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"loanCodes": [
"page": 0
Sample Response
"pageNumber": 0,
"totalPages": 0,
"totalDeals": 0,
"deals": [
"loanCode": "string",
"agent": "string",
"status": 0,
"dateCreated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"closingDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"linkApplicationId": "string",
"lenderReferenceNumber": "string",
"isConfirmedCompliant": true,
"customSource": "string",
"borrowers": [
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"dateOfBirth": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"homePhone": "string",
"cellPhone": "string",
"businessPhone": "string",
"email": "string",
"addresses": [
"unitNumber": "string",
"streetNumber": "string",
"streetName": "string",
"streetType": 0,
"streetDirection": 0,
"city": "string",
"provinceOrState": 0,
"postalCode": "string",
"country": 0
"mailingAddress": {
"unitNumber": "string",
"streetNumber": "string",
"streetName": "string",
"streetType": 0,
"streetDirection": 0,
"city": "string",
"provinceOrState": 0,
"postalCode": "string",
"country": 0
"employmentHistory": {
"grossRevenue": 0,
"isCurrent": true,
"employerName": "string",
"incomeType": 0,
"incomePeriod": 0,
"employmentAddress": {
"unitNumber": "string",
"streetNumber": "string",
"streetName": "string",
"streetType": 0,
"streetDirection": 0,
"city": "string",
"provinceOrState": 0,
"postalCode": "string",
"country": 0
"liabilities": [
"typeId": 0,
"lender": "string",
"inCreditBureau": true,
"limit": 0,
"balance": 0,
"override": true,
"payment": 0,
"closingDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"description": "string",
"payoffTypeId": 0
"firstTimeHomeBuyer": true,
"creditScore": 0,
"assets": [
"type": "string",
"description": "string",
"downPayment": 0,
"value": 0
"properties": [
"occupancyId": 1,
"value": 0,
"originalDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"originalAmount": 0,
"includeInTds": true,
"condoFees100Percent": true,
"annualTaxes": 0,
"condoFees": 0,
"condoFeesIncludeHeating": true,
"heating": 0,
"propertyEquity": 0,
"futureStatusId": 0,
"address": {
"unitNumber": "string",
"streetNumber": "string",
"streetName": "string",
"streetType": 0,
"streetDirection": 0,
"city": "string",
"provinceOrState": 0,
"postalCode": "string",
"country": 0
"totals": {
"value": 0,
"mortgages": 0,
"payments": 0,
"expenses": 0,
"rentalIncome": 0,
"rentalExpenses": 0
"subjectProperty": {
"unitNumber": "string",
"streetNumber": "string",
"streetName": "string",
"streetType": 0,
"streetDirection": 0,
"city": "string",
"province": 0,
"postalCode": "string",
"intendedUse": 0,
"purchasePrice": 0,
"tenure": "string",
"constructionType": "string",
"propertyType": "string"
"mortgageRequest": {
"purpose": 0,
"lenderName": "string",
"mortgages": [
"amount": 0
"payment": 0,
"maturityDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"interestAdjustmentDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"firstPaymentDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"amortization": 0,
"termInMonths": 0,
"netRate": 0,
"rateType": 0,
"paymentFrequency": 0,
"rate": 0,
"discountRate": 0,
"premiumRate": 0,
"buyDownRate": 0,
"amortizationMonths": 0
"lenderConditions": [
"conditions": [
"name": "string",
"isSent": true,
"isApproved": true
"notes": [
"text": "string",
"dateCreated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
"referral": {
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"companyName": "string",
"email": "string",
"type": "string"
"solicitor": {
"company": "string",
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"email": "string",
"businessPhone": "string",
"faxNumber": "string",
"address": {
"unitNumber": "string",
"streetNumber": "string",
"streetName": "string",
"streetType": 0,
"streetDirection": 0,
"city": "string",
"provinceOrState": 0,
"postalCode": "string",
"country": 0
"timestamp": "2022-10-14T09:08:08.1751199Z",
"agent": {
"username": "jDoe",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"email": "",
"tenantId": "XXXX0001",
"firmCode": "XXXX"
"events": [
"eventType": 2,
"deal": {
"loanCode": "VXXXX-12345",
"status": 1
"links": [
"rel": "deal",
"method": "GET",
"href": ""
"timestamp": "2022-10-14T09:07:51.24312Z"
- Velocity will provide system-to-system notifications, in near real-time via Webhooks, once configured
- The webhooks are provided on a per-user basis, using the same API key system as the VelocityAPI
- Configuration is done via the users “Settings” page in Velocity – see below
- Webhook notifications are provided on New Deal creation (ie: Client Journey), and Deal Status updates – both trigger a Webhook notification
- Once a Webhook notification is received, the user’s other system (Mobile App, other CRM, Zapier etc), can use VelocityAPI to retrieve full and real-time deal information, including any changes
Please review the sample Webhook to illustrate the schema.
Settings page:

Requesting a Webhook:

Values |
Description |
1 |
Canada |
2 |
United States |
Values |
Description |
1 |
North |
2 |
North East |
3 |
East |
4 |
South East |
5 |
South |
6 |
South West |
7 |
West |
8 |
North West |
Values |
Description |
10 |
Abbey |
20 |
Acres |
30 |
Allée |
40 |
Alley |
50 |
Autoroute |
60 |
Avenue |
70 |
Bay |
80 |
Beach |
90 |
Bend |
100 |
Boulevard |
110 |
By Pass |
120 |
Byway |
130 |
Campus |
140 |
Cape |
150 |
Carré |
160 |
Carrefour |
170 |
Centre |
180 |
Cercle |
190 |
Chase |
200 |
Chemin |
210 |
Circle |
220 |
Circuit |
230 |
Close |
240 |
Common |
250 |
Concession |
260 |
Corners |
270 |
Côte |
280 |
Cour |
290 |
Cours |
300 |
Court |
310 |
Cove |
320 |
Crescent |
330 |
Croissant |
340 |
Crossing |
350 |
Cul De Sac |
360 |
Dale |
370 |
Dell |
380 |
Diversion |
390 |
Downs |
400 |
Drive |
410 |
Échangeur |
420 |
End |
430 |
Esplanade |
440 |
Estates |
450 |
Expressway |
460 |
Extension |
470 |
Farm |
480 |
Field |
490 |
Forest |
500 |
Freeway |
510 |
Front |
520 |
Gardens |
530 |
Gate |
540 |
Glade |
550 |
Glen |
560 |
Green |
570 |
Grounds |
580 |
Grove |
590 |
Harbour |
600 |
Heath |
610 |
Heights |
620 |
Highlands |
630 |
Highway |
640 |
Hill |
650 |
Hollow |
660 |
Île |
670 |
Impasse |
680 |
Inlet |
690 |
Island |
700 |
Key |
710 |
Knoll |
720 |
Landing |
730 |
Lane |
740 |
Limits |
750 |
Line |
760 |
Link |
770 |
Lookout |
780 |
Loop |
790 |
Mall |
800 |
Manor |
810 |
Maze |
820 |
Meadow |
830 |
Meadows |
840 |
Mews |
850 |
Montée |
860 |
Moor |
870 |
Mount |
880 |
Mountain |
890 |
Orchard |
900 |
Parade |
910 |
Parc |
920 |
Park |
930 |
Parkway |
940 |
Passage |
950 |
Path |
960 |
Pathway |
970 |
Pines |
980 |
Place |
990 |
Plateau |
1000 |
Plaza |
1010 |
Point |
1020 |
Pointe |
1030 |
Port |
1040 |
Private |
1050 |
Promenade |
1060 |
Quay |
1070 |
Ramp |
1080 |
Rang |
1090 |
Range |
1100 |
Ridge |
1110 |
Rise |
1120 |
Road |
1130 |
Rond Point |
1140 |
Route |
1150 |
Row |
1160 |
Rue |
1170 |
Ruelle |
1180 |
Run |
1190 |
Sentier |
1200 |
Square |
1210 |
Street |
1220 |
Subdivision |
1230 |
Terrace |
1240 |
Terrasse |
1250 |
Thicket |
1260 |
Towers |
1270 |
Townline |
1280 |
Trail |
1290 |
Turnabout |
1300 |
Vale |
1310 |
Via |
1320 |
View |
1330 |
Village |
1340 |
Villas |
1350 |
Vista |
1360 |
Voie |
1370 |
Walk |
1380 |
Way |
1390 |
Wharf |
1400 |
Wood |
1410 |
Wynd |
Values |
Description |
1 |
Currently Own |
2 |
Live With Parents |
3 |
Previously Owned |
4 |
Rent |
5 |
Other |
Values |
Description |
1 |
Deposit On Purchase |
2 |
Gift |
3 |
Household Goods |
4 |
Life Insurance |
5 |
Mutual Fund Or Stock Or Bonds |
6 |
7 |
Savings |
8 |
Vehicle |
9 |
Other |
Values |
Description |
1 |
Spouse |
2 |
Common Law |
3 |
Related Family Member |
4 |
Parent |
5 |
Sibling |
6 |
Child |
7 |
Grandchild |
8 |
Grandparent |
9 |
Other |
Values |
Description |
1 |
English |
2 |
French |
Values |
Description |
1 |
Common Law |
2 |
Divorced |
3 |
Married |
4 |
Separated |
5 |
Single |
6 |
Widowed |
Values |
Description |
1 |
Home Phone |
2 |
Cell Phone |
3 |
Email |
4 |
Work Phone |
Values |
Description |
1 |
Landed Immigrant |
2 |
Work Visa |
3 |
Canadian Citizen |
4 |
Other |
Values |
Description |
1 |
Mr |
2 |
Mrs |
3 |
Ms |
4 |
Dr |
5 |
Rev |
6 |
Miss |
7 |
Judge |
Values |
Description |
1 |
Sr |
2 |
Jr |
Values |
Description |
0 |
Lead |
1 |
New |
2 |
Submitted |
3 |
Approved |
4 |
Accepted |
5 |
Waiting To Close |
6 |
Funded |
7 |
Complete |
8 |
Parked |
9 |
Cancelled |
10 |
Declined |
Values |
Description |
1 |
Annual |
2 |
Bi Weekly |
3 |
Monthly |
4 |
Quarterly |
5 |
Semi Annual |
6 |
Semi Monthly |
7 |
Weekly |
Values |
Description |
1 |
Commissions |
2 |
Hourly |
3 |
Hourly Plus Commissions |
4 |
Salary |
5 |
Self Employed |
6 |
Other |
Values |
Description |
1 |
Banking Or Finance |
2 |
Construction |
3 |
Education |
4 |
Farming Or Natural Resources |
5 |
Government |
6 |
Health |
7 |
High Tech |
8 |
Leisure Or Entertainment |
9 |
Manufacturing |
10 |
Retail Sales |
11 |
Services |
12 |
Transportation |
13 |
Varies |
14 |
Other |
Values |
Description |
1 |
Clerical |
2 |
Labour Tradesperson |
3 |
Management |
4 |
Professional |
5 |
Retired |
6 |
Self Employed |
7 |
Unemployed |
8 |
Homemaker |
9 |
Other |
Values |
Description |
1 |
Full Time |
2 |
Part Time |
3 |
Seasonal |
Values |
Description |
10 |
Purchase |
20 |
Refinance |
30 |
Renew |
Values |
Description |
1 |
Closing Date |
2 |
Entry Date |
Values |
Description |
1 |
Annual |
2 |
Bi Weekly |
3 |
Monthly |
4 |
Quarterly |
5 |
Semi Annual |
6 |
Semi Monthly |
7 |
Weekly |
Values |
Description |
1 |
Alimony |
2 |
Child Support |
3 |
Interest Income |
4 |
Pension |
5 |
Other |
Values |
Description |
1 |
Selling |
2 |
Not Selling |
3 |
Renting |
Values |
Description |
1 |
Owner Occupied |
2 |
Owner Occupied And Rental |
3 |
Rental |
4 |
Second Home |
Values |
Description |
10 |
Canada Guaranty |
20 |
30 |
Genworth |
Values |
Description |
1 |
Bi Weekly |
2 |
Bi Weekly Acc |
3 |
Monthly |
4 |
Semi Monthly |
5 |
Weekly |
6 |
Weekly Acc |
Values |
Description |
1 |
From Proceeds |
2 |
Prior To Advance |
Values |
Description |
1 |
Adjustable |
2 |
Buydown |
3 |
Capped Variable |
4 |
Fixed |
5 |
Variable |
Values |
Description |
1 |
Closed |
2 |
Convertible |
3 |
Open |
Values |
Description |
1 |
Owner Occupied |
2 |
Owner Occupied And Rental |
3 |
Rental |
4 |
Second Home |
Values |
Description |
1 |
Alberta Or Alabama |
2 |
British Columbia Or Alaska |
3 |
Manitoba Or American Samoa |
4 |
New Brunswick Or Arizona |
5 |
Newfoundland And Labrador Or Arkansas |
6 |
Northwest Territories Or California |
7 |
Nova Scotia Or Colorado |
8 |
Nunavut Or Connecticut |
9 |
Ontario Or Delaware |
10 |
Prince Edward Island Or District Of Columbia |
11 |
Quebec Or Federated States Of Micronesia |
12 |
Saskatchewan Or Florida |
13 |
Yukon Or Georgia |
14 |
Guam |
15 |
Hawaii |
16 |
Idaho |
17 |
Illinois |
18 |
Indiana |
19 |
Iowa |
20 |
Kansas |
21 |
Kentucky |
22 |
Louisiana |
23 |
Maine |
24 |
Marshall Islands |
25 |
Maryland |
26 |
Massachusetts |
27 |
Michigan |
28 |
Minnesota |
29 |
Mississippi |
30 |
Missouri |
31 |
Montana |
32 |
Nebraska |
33 |
Nevada |
34 |
New Hampshire |
35 |
New Jersey |
36 |
New Mexico |
37 |
New York |
38 |
North Carolina |
39 |
North Dakota |
40 |
Ohio |
41 |
Oklahoma |
42 |
Oregon |
43 |
Pennsylvania |
44 |
Puerto Rico |
45 |
Rhode Island |
46 |
South Carolina |
47 |
South Dakota |
48 |
Tennessee |
49 |
Texas |
50 |
Utah |
51 |
Vermont |
52 |
Virginia |
53 |
Washington |
54 |
West Virginia |
55 |
Wisconsin |
56 |
Wyoming |
Values |
Description |
1 |
Builder |
2 |
Realtor |
3 |
Client |
4 |
Other |
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Type |
Required |
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Unit number |
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string nullable |
false |
Street number |
streetName |
string nullable |
false |
Street name |
streetType |
integer(int32) nullable |
false |
Street type |
streetDirection |
integer(int32) nullable |
false |
Street direction |
city |
string nullable |
false |
City |
provinceOrState |
integer(int32) nullable |
false |
Province or state |
postalCode |
string nullable |
false |
Postal code |
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integer(int32) nullable |
false |
Country |
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"payment": 0,
"closingDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"description": "string",
"payoffTypeId": 0
"firstTimeHomeBuyer": true,
"creditScore": 0,
"assets": [
"type": "string",
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"originalDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
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"city": "string",
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"country": 0
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"payments": 0,
"expenses": 0,
"rentalIncome": 0,
"rentalExpenses": 0
Name |
Type |
Required |
Description |
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string nullable |
false |
First name |
lastName |
string nullable |
false |
Last name |
dateOfBirth |
string(date-time) nullable |
false |
Date of birth |
homePhone |
string nullable |
false |
Home phone |
cellPhone |
string nullable |
false |
Cell phone |
businessPhone |
string nullable |
false |
Business phone |
email |
string nullable |
false |
Email |
addresses |
array(Address) nullable |
false |
Addresses |
mailingAddress |
Address nullable |
false |
Mailing address |
employmentHistory |
BorrowerEmployment nullable |
false |
Employment history |
liabilities |
array(BorrowerLiability) nullable |
false |
Liabilities |
firstTimeHomeBuyer |
boolean nullable |
false |
First time home buyer |
creditScore |
integer(int32) |
false |
Credit score |
assets |
array(BorrowerAsset) nullable |
false |
Assets |
properties |
array(Property) nullable |
false |
Properties |
"type": "string",
"description": "string",
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"value": 0
Name |
Type |
Required |
Description |
type |
string nullable |
false |
Type |
description |
string nullable |
false |
Description |
downPayment |
number(double) nullable |
false |
Down payment |
value |
number(double) nullable |
false |
Value |
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Type |
Required |
Description |
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number(double) nullable |
false |
Gross revenue |
isCurrent |
boolean |
false |
Is current |
employerName |
string nullable |
false |
Employer name |
incomeType |
integer(int32) nullable |
false |
Income type |
incomePeriod |
integer(int32) nullable |
false |
Income period |
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Address nullable |
false |
Employment address |
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Type |
Required |
Description |
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integer(int32) nullable |
false |
Type id |
lender |
string nullable |
false |
Lender |
inCreditBureau |
boolean |
false |
In credit bureau |
limit |
number(double) nullable |
false |
Limit |
balance |
number(double) nullable |
false |
Balance |
override |
boolean |
false |
Override |
payment |
number(double) nullable |
false |
Payment |
closingDate |
string(date-time) nullable |
false |
Closing date |
description |
string nullable |
false |
Description |
payoffTypeId |
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false |
Payoff type id |
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Name |
Type |
Required |
Description |
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false |
Loan code |
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Type |
Required |
Description |
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string nullable |
false |
Loan code |
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string nullable |
false |
Agent |
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DealStatuses nullable |
false |
Status |
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string(date-time) |
false |
Date created |
closingDate |
string(date-time) nullable |
false |
Closing date |
linkApplicationId |
string nullable |
false |
Link application id |
lenderReferenceNumber |
string nullable |
false |
Lender reference number |
isConfirmedCompliant |
boolean |
false |
Is confirmed compliant |
customSource |
string nullable |
false |
Custom source |
borrowers |
array(Borrower) nullable |
false |
Borrowers |
subjectProperty |
SubjectProperty nullable |
false |
Subject property |
mortgageRequest |
MortgageRequest nullable |
false |
Mortgage request |
lenderConditions |
array(string) nullable |
false |
Lender conditions |
conditions |
array(GroupCondition) nullable |
false |
Conditions |
notes |
array(Note) nullable |
false |
Notes |
referral |
Referral nullable |
false |
Referral |
solicitor |
Solicitor nullable |
false |
Solicitor |
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"mortgages": [
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"maturityDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
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"firstPaymentDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
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"type": "string"
"solicitor": {
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Type |
Required |
Description |
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integer(int32) |
false |
The number of the current page |
totalPages |
integer(int32) |
false |
Total number of pages generated by the query |
totalDeals |
integer(int32) |
false |
Total number of deals included in all pages |
deals |
array(Deal) nullable |
false |
Deals |
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Name |
Type |
Required |
Description |
name |
string nullable |
false |
Name |
isSent |
boolean |
false |
Is sent |
isApproved |
boolean |
false |
Is approved |
"amount": 0
Name |
Type |
Required |
Description |
amount |
number(double) nullable |
false |
Amount |
"purpose": 0,
"lenderName": "string",
"mortgages": [
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"discountRate": 0,
"premiumRate": 0,
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"amortizationMonths": 0
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Type |
Required |
Description |
purpose |
integer(int32) nullable |
false |
Purpose |
lenderName |
string nullable |
false |
Lender name |
mortgages |
array(MortgageAmount) nullable |
false |
Mortgages |
payment |
number(double) nullable |
false |
Payment |
maturityDate |
string(date-time) nullable |
false |
Maturity date |
interestAdjustmentDate |
string(date-time) nullable |
false |
Interest adjustment date |
firstPaymentDate |
string(date-time) nullable |
false |
First payment date |
amortization |
number(double) nullable |
false |
Amortization |
termInMonths |
integer(int32) nullable |
false |
Term in months |
netRate |
number(float) nullable |
false |
Net rate |
rateType |
integer(int32) nullable |
false |
Rate type |
paymentFrequency |
integer(int32) nullable |
false |
Payment frequency |
rate |
number(float) nullable |
false |
Rate |
discountRate |
number(float) nullable |
false |
Discount rate |
premiumRate |
number(float) nullable |
false |
Premium rate |
buyDownRate |
number(float) nullable |
false |
Buy down rate |
amortizationMonths |
number(double) nullable |
false |
Amortization months |
"salutation": 1,
"firstName": "string",
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"lastName": "string",
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"email": "",
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"dateOfBirth": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
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"monthsAtAddress": 0,
"dwellingStatus": 1,
"rentalPayment": 1000000000
"employmentHistory": [
"isCurrent": true,
"companyName": "string",
"selfEmployment": {
"companyType": "string",
"operatingAs": "string",
"grossRevenue": 0
"jobTitle": "string",
"jobType": 1,
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"monthsAt": 0,
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"streetType": 10,
"streetDirection": 1,
"city": "string",
"provinceOrState": 1,
"country": 1,
"postalCode": "string"
"otherIncomes": [
"type": 1,
"incomePeriod": 1,
"amount": 1000000000,
"description": "string"
"assets": [
"type": 1,
"value": 1000000000,
"description": "string",
"downPaymentAmount": 1000000000
"properties": [
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"value": 1000000000,
"originalPurchaseDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"originalPrice": 1000000000,
"annualTaxes": 1000000000,
"condoFees": 1000000000,
"includesHeat": true,
"heatingFee": 1000000000,
"propertyEquity": 1000000000,
"futureStatus": 1,
"rentalDetails": {
"income": 0,
"hydroExpense": 0,
"managementExpense": 0,
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"streetName": "string",
"streetType": 10,
"streetDirection": 1,
"city": "string",
"provinceOrState": 1,
"country": 1,
"postalCode": "string",
"mortgages": [
"balance": 1000000000,
"maturityDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"paymentFrequency": 1,
"payment": 1000000000,
"payoffType": 1,
"lender": "string",
"rateType": 1,
"interestRate": 100,
"blendedAmortization": true,
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"mortgageNumber": "string",
"insured": true,
"insuranceAccount": "string",
"insurer": 10,
"originalPurchaseAmount": 1000000000
Name |
Type |
Required |
Description |
salutation |
ContactSalutations nullable |
false |
Salutation |
firstName required |
string max-length(20) |
true |
First name |
middleName |
string max-length(20) nullable |
false |
Middle name |
lastName required |
string max-length(40) |
true |
Last name |
suffix |
ContactSuffixes nullable |
false |
Suffix |
email required |
string(email) |
true |
Email address |
caslOptIn |
boolean |
false |
CASL optin |
homePhone |
string nullable |
false |
Home phone number |
cellPhone |
string nullable |
false |
Cell phone number |
businessPhone |
string nullable |
false |
Business phone number |
dateOfBirth |
string(date-time) nullable |
false |
Date of birth |
socialInsuranceNumber |
string max-length(9) nullable |
false |
Social Insurance Number (SIN) |
maritalStatus |
ContactMaritalStatuses nullable |
false |
Marital status |
contactPreference |
ContactPreferences nullable |
false |
Contact preference |
residentType |
ContactResidentTypes nullable |
false |
Resident type |
correspondenceLanguage |
ContactCorrespondenceLanguages nullable |
false |
Correspondence language |
firstTimeBuyer |
boolean nullable |
false |
First time buyer? |
numOfDependents |
integer(int32) nullable |
false |
Number of dependents |
relationshipToPrimary |
BorrowerRelationshipOptions nullable |
false |
Relationship to primary borrower |
addresses |
array(NewBorrowerAddress) max-items(3) nullable |
false |
Addresses |
employmentHistory |
array(NewBorrowerEmployment) max-items(30) nullable |
false |
Employment history |
otherIncomes |
array(NewBorrowerOtherIncome) max-items(30) nullable |
false |
Other incomes |
assets |
array(NewBorrowerAsset) max-items(50) nullable |
false |
Assets |
properties |
array(NewBorrowerProperty) max-items(15) nullable |
false |
Properties |
"unitNumber": "string",
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"city": "string",
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"country": 1,
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"monthsAtAddress": 0,
"dwellingStatus": 1,
"rentalPayment": 1000000000
Name |
Type |
Required |
Description |
unitNumber |
string max-length(10) nullable |
false |
Unit number |
streetNumber |
string max-length(10) nullable |
false |
Street number |
streetName |
string max-length(26) nullable |
false |
Street name |
streetType |
AddressStreetTypes nullable |
false |
Street type |
streetDirection |
AddressStreetDirections nullable |
false |
Street direction |
city |
string max-length(20) nullable |
false |
City |
provinceOrState |
ProvincesOrStates nullable |
false |
CA Province or US State |
country |
AddressCountries nullable |
false |
Country |
postalCode |
string nullable |
false |
Postal code |
yearsAtAddress |
integer(int32) nullable |
false |
Years living at address |
monthsAtAddress |
integer(int32) nullable |
false |
Months living at address |
dwellingStatus |
BorrowerAddressDwellingStatuses |
false |
Dwelling status |
rentalPayment |
number(double) range(0,1000000000) nullable |
false |
Rental payment |
"type": 1,
"value": 1000000000,
"description": "string",
"downPaymentAmount": 1000000000
Name |
Type |
Required |
Description |
type |
BorrowerAssetTypes |
false |
Asset type |
value |
number(double) range(0,1000000000) nullable |
false |
Asset value |
description |
string nullable |
false |
Asset description |
downPaymentAmount |
number(double) range(0,1000000000) nullable |
false |
Asset down payment amount |
"isCurrent": true,
"companyName": "string",
"selfEmployment": {
"companyType": "string",
"operatingAs": "string",
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"jobType": 1,
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"monthsAt": 0,
"employmentType": 1,
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"income": 1000000000,
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"city": "string",
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"country": 1,
"postalCode": "string"
Name |
Type |
Required |
Description |
isCurrent |
boolean |
false |
Is current employment? |
companyName |
string nullable |
false |
Company name |
selfEmployment |
NewSelfEmploymentDetails nullable |
false |
Self employment |
jobTitle |
string nullable |
false |
Job title |
jobType |
EmploymentJobTypes nullable |
false |
Job type |
yearsAt |
integer(int32) nullable |
false |
Years at job |
monthsAt |
integer(int32) nullable |
false |
Months at job |
employmentType |
EmploymentTypes nullable |
false |
Type of employment |
industrySector |
EmploymentIndustrySector nullable |
false |
Industry sector |
incomeType |
EmploymentIncomeTypes nullable |
false |
Income type |
incomePeriod |
EmploymentIncomePeriods nullable |
false |
Income period |
income |
number(double) range(0,1000000000) nullable |
false |
Income amount |
yearsInIndustry |
integer(int32) nullable |
false |
Years in industry |
monthsInIndustry |
integer(int32) nullable |
false |
Months in industry |
phoneNumber |
string nullable |
false |
Phone number |
unitNumber |
string nullable |
false |
Unit number |
streetNumber |
string nullable |
false |
Street number |
streetName |
string nullable |
false |
Street name |
streetType |
AddressStreetTypes nullable |
false |
Street type |
streetDirection |
AddressStreetDirections nullable |
false |
Street direction |
city |
string nullable |
false |
City |
provinceOrState |
ProvincesOrStates nullable |
false |
CA Province or US State |
country |
AddressCountries nullable |
false |
Country |
postalCode |
string nullable |
false |
Postal code |
"type": 1,
"incomePeriod": 1,
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"description": "string"
Name |
Type |
Required |
Description |
type |
OtherIncomeTypes |
false |
Type of other income |
incomePeriod |
OtherIncomePeriods nullable |
false |
Income period of other income |
amount |
number(double) range(0,1000000000) nullable |
false |
Income amount of other income |
description |
string nullable |
false |
Description |
"occupancy": 1,
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"originalPurchaseDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
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"postalCode": "string",
"mortgages": [
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"maturityDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
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"payment": 1000000000,
"payoffType": 1,
"lender": "string",
"rateType": 1,
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"insuranceAccount": "string",
"insurer": 10,
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Type |
Required |
Description |
occupancy |
PropertyOccupancyOptions nullable |
false |
Type of occupancy |
value |
number(double) range(0,1000000000) nullable |
false |
Property value |
originalPurchaseDate |
string(date-time) nullable |
false |
Original purchase date |
originalPrice |
number(double) range(0,1000000000) nullable |
false |
Original price |
annualTaxes |
number(double) range(0,1000000000) nullable |
false |
Annual taxes amount |
condoFees |
number(double) range(0,1000000000) nullable |
false |
Condo fees amount |
includesHeat |
boolean |
false |
Includes heat? |
heatingFee |
number(double) range(0,1000000000) nullable |
false |
Heating fee amount |
propertyEquity |
number(double) range(0,1000000000) nullable |
false |
Property equity amount |
futureStatus |
PropertyFutureStatuses nullable |
false |
Future status |
rentalDetails |
NewPropertyRentalDetails nullable |
false |
Rental details |
unitNumber |
string nullable |
false |
Unit number |
streetNumber |
string nullable |
false |
Street number |
streetName |
string nullable |
false |
Street name |
streetType |
AddressStreetTypes nullable |
false |
Street type |
streetDirection |
AddressStreetDirections nullable |
false |
Street direction |
city |
string nullable |
false |
City |
provinceOrState |
ProvincesOrStates nullable |
false |
CA Province or US State |
country |
AddressCountries nullable |
false |
Country |
postalCode |
string nullable |
false |
Postal code |
mortgages |
array(NewPropertyMortgage) max-items(3) nullable |
false |
Mortgages |
"salutation": 1,
"firstName": "string",
"middleName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"suffix": 1,
"email": "",
"caslOptIn": true,
"homePhone": "string",
"cellPhone": "string",
"businessPhone": "string",
"dateOfBirth": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"socialInsuranceNumber": "string",
"maritalStatus": 1,
"contactPreference": 1,
"residentType": 1,
"correspondenceLanguage": 1,
"firstTimeBuyer": true,
"numOfDependents": 0
Name |
Type |
Required |
Description |
salutation |
ContactSalutations nullable |
false |
Salutation |
firstName required |
string max-length(20) |
true |
First name |
middleName |
string max-length(20) nullable |
false |
Middle name |
lastName required |
string max-length(40) |
true |
Last name |
suffix |
ContactSuffixes nullable |
false |
Name suffix |
email required |
string(email) |
true |
Email address |
caslOptIn |
boolean |
false |
CASL optin |
homePhone |
string nullable |
false |
Home phone number |
cellPhone |
string nullable |
false |
Cell phone number |
businessPhone |
string nullable |
false |
Business phone number |
dateOfBirth |
string(date-time) nullable |
false |
Date of birth |
socialInsuranceNumber |
string max-length(9) nullable |
false |
Social Insurance Number (SIN) |
maritalStatus |
ContactMaritalStatuses nullable |
false |
Marital status |
contactPreference |
ContactPreferences nullable |
false |
Contact preference |
residentType |
ContactResidentTypes nullable |
false |
Residency type |
correspondenceLanguage |
ContactCorrespondenceLanguages nullable |
false |
Correspondence language |
firstTimeBuyer |
boolean nullable |
false |
First time buyer |
numOfDependents |
integer(int32) nullable |
false |
Number of dependents |
"closingDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
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"customSource": "string",
"subjectProperty": {
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"streetName": "string",
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"streetDirection": 1,
"city": "string",
"province": 1,
"postalCode": "string",
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"mortgageRequest": {
"purpose": 10,
"mortgages": [
"amount": 1000000000
"borrowers": [
"salutation": 1,
"firstName": "string",
"middleName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"suffix": 1,
"email": "",
"caslOptIn": true,
"homePhone": "string",
"cellPhone": "string",
"businessPhone": "string",
"dateOfBirth": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"socialInsuranceNumber": "string",
"maritalStatus": 1,
"contactPreference": 1,
"residentType": 1,
"correspondenceLanguage": 1,
"firstTimeBuyer": true,
"numOfDependents": 0,
"relationshipToPrimary": 1,
"addresses": [
"unitNumber": "string",
"streetNumber": "string",
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"streetDirection": 1,
"city": "string",
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"country": 1,
"postalCode": "string",
"yearsAtAddress": 0,
"monthsAtAddress": 0,
"dwellingStatus": 1,
"rentalPayment": 1000000000
"employmentHistory": [
"isCurrent": true,
"companyName": "string",
"selfEmployment": {
"companyType": "string",
"operatingAs": "string",
"grossRevenue": 0
"jobTitle": "string",
"jobType": 1,
"yearsAt": 0,
"monthsAt": 0,
"employmentType": 1,
"industrySector": 1,
"incomeType": 1,
"incomePeriod": 1,
"income": 1000000000,
"yearsInIndustry": 0,
"monthsInIndustry": 0,
"phoneNumber": "string",
"unitNumber": "string",
"streetNumber": "string",
"streetName": "string",
"streetType": 10,
"streetDirection": 1,
"city": "string",
"provinceOrState": 1,
"country": 1,
"postalCode": "string"
"otherIncomes": [
"type": 1,
"incomePeriod": 1,
"amount": 1000000000,
"description": "string"
"assets": [
"type": 1,
"value": 1000000000,
"description": "string",
"downPaymentAmount": 1000000000
"properties": [
"occupancy": 1,
"value": 1000000000,
"originalPurchaseDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"originalPrice": 1000000000,
"annualTaxes": 1000000000,
"condoFees": 1000000000,
"includesHeat": true,
"heatingFee": 1000000000,
"propertyEquity": 1000000000,
"futureStatus": 1,
"rentalDetails": {
"income": 0,
"hydroExpense": 0,
"managementExpense": 0,
"insuranceExpense": 0,
"repairsExpense": 0,
"interestExpense": 0,
"otherExpense": 0
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"streetNumber": "string",
"streetName": "string",
"streetType": 10,
"streetDirection": 1,
"city": "string",
"provinceOrState": 1,
"country": 1,
"postalCode": "string",
"mortgages": [
"balance": 1000000000,
"maturityDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"paymentFrequency": 1,
"payment": 1000000000,
"payoffType": 1,
"lender": "string",
"rateType": 1,
"interestRate": 100,
"blendedAmortization": true,
"termType": 1,
"mortgageNumber": "string",
"insured": true,
"insuranceAccount": "string",
"insurer": 10,
"originalPurchaseAmount": 1000000000
"notes": [
"text": "string"
"referral": {
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"companyName": "string",
"email": "",
"type": 1,
"otherTypeDescription": "string"
Name |
Type |
Required |
Description |
closingDate |
string(date-time) nullable |
false |
Closing date |
purchasePrice |
number(double) range(0,1000000000) nullable |
false |
Purchase price |
customSource |
string max-length(30) nullable |
false |
Only aphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores are allowed. |
subjectProperty |
NewSubjectProperty nullable |
false |
Subject property |
mortgageRequest required |
NewMortgageRequest |
true |
Mortgage request |
borrowers required |
array(NewBorrower) min-items(1) max-items(4) |
true |
Borrowers |
notes |
array(NewNote) max-items(30) nullable |
false |
Notes |
referral |
NewReferral nullable |
false |
Referral |
"purpose": 10,
"mortgages": [
"amount": 1000000000
"amount": 1000000000
Name |
Type |
Required |
Description |
amount |
number(double) range(0,1000000000) nullable |
false |
Mortgage amount |
"text": "string"
Name |
Type |
Required |
Description |
text |
string nullable |
false |
Text of note |
"balance": 1000000000,
"maturityDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"paymentFrequency": 1,
"payment": 1000000000,
"payoffType": 1,
"lender": "string",
"rateType": 1,
"interestRate": 100,
"blendedAmortization": true,
"termType": 1,
"mortgageNumber": "string",
"insured": true,
"insuranceAccount": "string",
"insurer": 10,
"originalPurchaseAmount": 1000000000
Name |
Type |
Required |
Description |
balance |
number(double) range(0,1000000000) nullable |
false |
Mortgage balance |
maturityDate |
string(date-time) nullable |
false |
Maturity date |
paymentFrequency |
PropertyMortgagePaymentFrequencies nullable |
false |
Payment frequency |
payment |
number(double) range(0,1000000000) nullable |
false |
Payment amount |
payoffType |
PropertyMortgagePayoffTypes nullable |
false |
Type of payoff |
lender |
string nullable |
false |
Lender name |
rateType |
PropertyMortgageRateTypes nullable |
false |
Rate type |
interestRate |
number(float) range(0,100) nullable |
false |
Interest rate |
blendedAmortization |
boolean |
false |
Blended amortization |
termType |
PropertyMortgageTermTypes nullable |
false |
Type of term |
mortgageNumber |
string nullable |
false |
Mortgage number |
insured |
boolean |
false |
Is mortgage insured? |
insuranceAccount |
string nullable |
false |
Insurance amount |
insurer |
PropertyMortgageInsurers nullable |
false |
Insurer |
originalPurchaseAmount |
number(double) range(0,1000000000) nullable |
false |
Original purchase amount |
"income": 0,
"hydroExpense": 0,
"managementExpense": 0,
"insuranceExpense": 0,
"repairsExpense": 0,
"interestExpense": 0,
"otherExpense": 0
Name |
Type |
Required |
Description |
income |
number(double) minimum(0) nullable |
false |
Rental income amount |
hydroExpense |
number(double) minimum(0) nullable |
false |
Hydro expense amount |
managementExpense |
number(double) minimum(0) nullable |
false |
Management expense amount |
insuranceExpense |
number(double) minimum(0) nullable |
false |
Insurance expense amount |
repairsExpense |
number(double) minimum(0) nullable |
false |
Repairs expense amount |
interestExpense |
number(double) minimum(0) nullable |
false |
Interest expense amount |
otherExpense |
number(double) minimum(0) nullable |
false |
Other expense amount |
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"companyName": "string",
"email": "",
"type": 1,
"otherTypeDescription": "string"
Name |
Type |
Required |
Description |
firstName |
string nullable |
false |
Referrer first name |
lastName |
string nullable |
false |
Referrer last name |
companyName |
string nullable |
false |
Company name of referrer |
email |
string(email) nullable |
false |
Email address of referrer |
type |
ReferralTypes nullable |
false |
Referral type |
otherTypeDescription |
string nullable |
false |
Description of other referral type |
"customSources": [
"statuses": [
"dateType": 1,
"startDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"endDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"loanCodes": [
"page": 0
Name |
Type |
Required |
Description |
customSources |
array(string) nullable |
false |
List of custom sources |
statuses |
array(DealStatuses) nullable |
false |
List of deal statuses |
dateType |
NewDateType nullable |
false |
Type of date |
startDate |
string(date-time) nullable |
false |
Start date |
endDate |
string(date-time) nullable |
false |
End date |
loanCodes |
array(string) nullable |
false |
List of loan codes |
page |
integer(int32) nullable |
false |
Page number |
"companyType": "string",
"operatingAs": "string",
"grossRevenue": 0
Name |
Type |
Required |
Description |
companyType |
string nullable |
false |
Type of company |
operatingAs |
string nullable |
false |
Operating as |
grossRevenue |
number(double) minimum(0) nullable |
false |
Gross revenue amount |
"unitNumber": "string",
"streetNumber": "string",
"streetName": "string",
"streetType": 10,
"streetDirection": 1,
"city": "string",
"province": 1,
"postalCode": "string",
"intendedUse": 1
Name |
Type |
Required |
Description |
unitNumber |
string max-length(10) nullable |
false |
Unit number |
streetNumber |
string max-length(10) nullable |
false |
Street number |
streetName |
string max-length(26) nullable |
false |
Street name |
streetType |
AddressStreetTypes nullable |
false |
Street type |
streetDirection |
AddressStreetDirections nullable |
false |
Street direction |
city |
string max-length(20) nullable |
false |
City |
province |
ProvincesOrStates nullable |
false |
CA Province or US State |
postalCode |
string nullable |
false |
Postal code |
intendedUse |
PropertyIntendedUses nullable |
false |
Intended use |
"text": "string",
"dateCreated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Name |
Type |
Required |
Description |
text |
string nullable |
false |
Text |
dateCreated |
string(date-time) nullable |
false |
Date created |
"occupancyId": 1,
"value": 0,
"originalDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"originalAmount": 0,
"includeInTds": true,
"condoFees100Percent": true,
"annualTaxes": 0,
"condoFees": 0,
"condoFeesIncludeHeating": true,
"heating": 0,
"propertyEquity": 0,
"futureStatusId": 0,
"address": {
"unitNumber": "string",
"streetNumber": "string",
"streetName": "string",
"streetType": 0,
"streetDirection": 0,
"city": "string",
"provinceOrState": 0,
"postalCode": "string",
"country": 0
"totals": {
"value": 0,
"mortgages": 0,
"payments": 0,
"expenses": 0,
"rentalIncome": 0,
"rentalExpenses": 0
Name |
Type |
Required |
Description |
occupancyId |
PropertyOccupancyOptions nullable |
false |
Occupancy id |
value |
number(double) nullable |
false |
Value |
originalDate |
string(date-time) nullable |
false |
Original date |
originalAmount |
number(double) nullable |
false |
Original amount |
includeInTds |
boolean |
false |
Include in tds |
condoFees100Percent |
boolean nullable |
false |
Condo fees 100 percent |
annualTaxes |
number(double) nullable |
false |
Annual taxes |
condoFees |
number(double) nullable |
false |
Condo fees |
condoFeesIncludeHeating |
boolean |
false |
Condo fees include heating |
heating |
number(double) nullable |
false |
Heating |
propertyEquity |
number(double) nullable |
false |
Property equity |
futureStatusId |
integer(int32) nullable |
false |
Future status id |
address |
Address nullable |
false |
Address |
totals |
PropertyTotals nullable |
false |
Totals |
"value": 0,
"mortgages": 0,
"payments": 0,
"expenses": 0,
"rentalIncome": 0,
"rentalExpenses": 0
Name |
Type |
Required |
Description |
value |
number(double) nullable |
false |
Value |
mortgages |
number(double) nullable |
false |
Mortgages |
payments |
number(double) nullable |
false |
Payments |
expenses |
number(double) nullable |
false |
Expenses |
rentalIncome |
number(double) nullable |
false |
Rental income |
rentalExpenses |
number(double) nullable |
false |
Rental expenses |
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"companyName": "string",
"email": "string",
"type": "string"
Name |
Type |
Required |
Description |
firstName |
string nullable |
false |
First name |
lastName |
string nullable |
false |
Last name |
companyName |
string nullable |
false |
Company name |
email |
string nullable |
false |
Email |
type |
string nullable |
false |
Type |
"company": "string",
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"email": "string",
"businessPhone": "string",
"faxNumber": "string",
"address": {
"unitNumber": "string",
"streetNumber": "string",
"streetName": "string",
"streetType": 0,
"streetDirection": 0,
"city": "string",
"provinceOrState": 0,
"postalCode": "string",
"country": 0
Name |
Type |
Required |
Description |
company |
string nullable |
false |
Company |
firstName |
string nullable |
false |
First name |
lastName |
string nullable |
false |
Last name |
email |
string nullable |
false |
Email |
businessPhone |
string nullable |
false |
Business phone |
faxNumber |
string nullable |
false |
Fax number |
address |
Address nullable |
false |
Address |
"unitNumber": "string",
"streetNumber": "string",
"streetName": "string",
"streetType": 0,
"streetDirection": 0,
"city": "string",
"province": 0,
"postalCode": "string",
"intendedUse": 0,
"purchasePrice": 0,
"tenure": "string",
"constructionType": "string",
"propertyType": "string"
Name |
Type |
Required |
Description |
unitNumber |
string nullable |
false |
Unit number |
streetNumber |
string nullable |
false |
Street number |
streetName |
string nullable |
false |
Street name |
streetType |
integer(int32) nullable |
false |
Street type |
streetDirection |
integer(int32) nullable |
false |
Street direction |
city |
string nullable |
false |
City |
province |
integer(int32) nullable |
false |
Province |
postalCode |
string nullable |
false |
Postal code |
intendedUse |
integer(int32) nullable |
false |
Intended use |
purchasePrice |
number(double) nullable |
false |
Purchase price |
tenure |
string nullable |
false |
Tenure |
constructionType |
string nullable |
false |
Construction type |
propertyType |
string nullable |
false |
Property type |
Validation Errors
These are examples of the most common errors encountered when calling our APIs.
Invalid API Key
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"Error identifying API key."
Using wrong API Key when calling the API.
The API Key is generated in Velocity and has to be activated before use.
Invalid JSON
{ ...
"closingDate": "''''''2020-09-22T22:00:00",
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"type": "",
"title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
"status": 400,
"traceId": "00-034e0a34c84efe2b902e12debe172e8a-32e10d3b25c97d11-00",
"errors": {
"$.closingDate": [
"The JSON value could not be converted to System.Nullable`1[System.DateTime]. Path: $.closingDate | LineNumber: 1 | BytePositionInLine: 44."
The JSON payload is invalid and cannot be deserialized.
Try to use an online JSON parser to validate your JSON payload.
Invalid data type
"closingDate": "invalid-date",
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"type": "",
"title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
"status": 400,
"traceId": "00-5abf419f54d2f500f5e89e8ac218f529-1c5726343e96d734-00",
"errors": {
"$.closingDate": [
"The JSON value could not be converted to System.Nullable`1[System.DateTime]. Path: $.closingDate | LineNumber: 1 | BytePositionInLine: 31."
The JSON payload is struturaly valid (can be deserialized) but the data cannot be deserialized into the correct type.
The Closing Date is not a valid datetime in this example.
Validation Failure
"purchasePrice": -1,
"subjectProperty": {
"province": 500,
"mortgageRequest": {
"purpose": 100,
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"type": "",
"title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
"status": 400,
"traceId": "00-eb0702464dcc92acc5bbaeb703874653-8f4c5206afdf768f-00",
"errors": {
"PurchasePrice": [
"The field PurchasePrice must be between 0 and 1000000000."
"MortgageRequest.Purpose": [
"The field Purpose is invalid."
"SubjectProperty.ProvinceOrState": [
"The field ProvinceOrState is invalid."
"Borrowers[0].Salutation": [
"The field Salutation is invalid."
The data does not pass the business validation.
- The Purchase Price is negative
- The Subject Property Provice is not in the list of known Canadian Provices
- The Mortgage Request Purpose is not in the list of accepted Purposes
Unexpected Error
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"Unexpected error creating deal"
Using wrong API Key when calling the API.
The API Key is generated in Velocity and has to be activated before use.
Invalid API Version
HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed
"error": {
"code": "UnsupportedApiVersion",
"message": "The HTTP resource that matches the request URI 'https://localhost:44317/v9/contacts/contact/sample' with API version '9' does not support HTTP method 'GET'.",
"innerError": null
Using wrong API version when calling the API.
Note the "v9" in the URI. The API does not expose a version 9 at the moment.
"pageNumber": 1,
"totalPages": 1,
"totalDeals": 1,
"deals": [
"borrowers": [
"assets": [
"type": "string",
"description": "string",
"downPayment": 0,
"value": 0
"creditScore": 0,
"firstTimeHomeBuyer": true,
"liabilities": [
"typeId": 0,
"lender": "string",
"inCreditBureau": true,
"limit": 0,
"balance": 0,
"override": true,
"payment": 0,
"closingDate": "2022-10-06T19:15:39.507Z",
"description": "string",
"payoffTypeId": 0
"properties": [
"occupancyId": 1,
"value": 0,
"originalDate": "2022-10-06T19:15:39.507Z",
"originalAmount": 0,
"includeInTds": true,
"condoFees100Percent": true,
"annualTaxes": 0,
"condoFees": 0,
"condoFeesIncludeHeating": true,
"heating": 0,
"propertyEquity": 0,
"futureStatusId": 0,
"address": {
"unitNumber": "string",
"streetNumber": "string",
"streetName": "string",
"streetType": 0,
"streetDirection": 0,
"city": "string",
"provinceOrState": 0,
"postalCode": "string",
"country": 0
"totals": {
"value": 0,
"mortgages": 0,
"payments": 0,
"expenses": 0,
"rentalIncome": 0,
"rentalExpenses": 0
"employmentHistory": {
"isCurrent": true,
"employerName": "string",
"conditions": [
"name": "string",
"isSent": true,
"isApproved": true
"isConfirmedCompliant": true,
"linkApplicationId": "string",
"lenderReferenceNumber": "string",
"lenderConditions": [
"notes": [
"text": "string",
"dateCreated": "2022-10-06T19:15:39.507Z"
"referral": {
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"companyName": "string",
"email": "string",
"type": "string",
"source": "string"
"solicitor": {
"company": "string",
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"email": "string",
"businessPhone": "string",
"faxNumber": "string",
"address": {
"unitNumber": "string",
"streetNumber": "string",
"streetName": "string",
"streetType": 0,
"streetDirection": 0,
"city": "string",
"provinceOrState": 0,
"postalCode": "string",
"country": 0
"mortgageRequest": {
"amortizationMonths": 0
"buyDownRate": 0,
"discountRate": 0,
"premiumRate": 0,
"rate": 0,
"subjectProperty": {
"constructionType": "string",
"propertyType": "string"
"purchasePrice": 0,
"tenure": "string",
The response objects for GET /v1/deals and POST /v1/deals/search were updated:
- fields were added to the returned deal object (see json example attached)
- the maximum number of deals included in one page was reduced from 1000 to 100
- additional paging info was added (pageNumber, totalPages, totalDeals)